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Secondary Education


The Education programmes at the Royal Albatross Centre are designed to inspire the next generation to protect New Zealand’s wildlife, culture and history.

Our Secondary School education programmes cover a range of topics, all of which are central to us at Taiaroa Head / Pukekura, including; Seabird Behaviour, Conservation Management Techniques, Plastic Pollution, Human Impact, Maori History, Conservation and Science.



Investigate behaviour of shags and albatross in response to their external environment. Courtship and pair bonding care are some of the behaviours which the programme focuses on. Discussion follows on the use of behavioural studies in management.

Time: 2 hours
Age Focus: Year 13
Curriculum Area: Biology 3.3, AS 91630
Cost: $4/person


Taiaroa Head is home to a breeding colony of Royal Albatross, Spotted and Otago Shags, Fur Seals, Royal Spoonbills and Red-Billed Gulls. The impacts of human activity on the local ecosystem are both positive and negative. Students have the opportunity to view unique wildlife and investigate the impact of introduced species, changed vegetation, tourism, site development, pollution etc.

Time: 2 hours
Age Focus: Year 12
Curriculum Area: Science 1.12, AS 90951
Cost: $4/person


Take part in activities which illustrate the monitoring and protection methods that the rangers use to increase the fledging rate of the Royal Albatross. Weighing birds, trapping predators and assessing hazards are just a few examples of how humans are contributing to a sustainable future.

Time: 2 hours      Age Focus: Years 9-12
Curriculum Area: Science – Living World, Education for Sustainability 2.2 AS 90811
Cost: $4/person